Tuesday, 4 March 2008
It`s not a message in a bottle!
Well there is something I still question and that being the label that`s been pasted below these particular waves?. What could it mean?... does it make sense?... is it there just to keep everybody guessing or what?. I must say that in the 40 years it`s been in my possession it has always been a good talking point. Visitors seeing the bottle at home invariably pick it up for a closer look and on spotting the writing usually ask me "could I explain it?" and unfortunately no has always had to be my short answer.
Hopefully there is someone out there in the wider blog world who may be able to shed some light on this particular message under a bottle.
Saturday, 1 March 2008
Mighty Sparrow - His 25 titles that still remain a mystery!
The Mighty Sparrow AZ Catalogue page: http://www.grenadamusic.demon.co.uk/page100.html still contains the mystery of................"Sparrow - Titles requiring further info".
These calypso? titles were identified from an unsigned document that did originate from Sparrow`s office in 1991, they were included in his list of 306 singles he referred to as "Existing Masters".
A few of the "unknown" titles on this list turned out to have been performed and recorded by Natasha. Luckily for me Dmitri Subotsky of http://calypsoarchives.co.uk/ managed to compare and confirm that these titles did relate to the tracks published by Natasha and importantly took the time to inform me of this fact.
There still remains approx 25 titles that could not definitely be linked to any Sparrow recording known to me. Links below will take you to the 2 relevant AZ Catalogue pages. http://www.grenadamusic.demon.co.uk/page55.html http://www.grenadamusic.demon.co.uk/page56.html
Suggestions/ideas on the subject would be welcome to Graham Johnstone: trade@grenadamusic.demon.co.uk