Grenada, West Indies - ”The Weather Stone” situated in St Davids has an 85% success rate in forecasting!. Unlike the human element i.e. TV and radio people who from past experience have shown that they are just as likely to get the weather wrong as they are to guess it right.
The pic below was taken in July 2003 (pre Hurricane Ivan). It can be seen to give 7 forecasts.
The pic below was taken in July 2003 (pre Hurricane Ivan). It can be seen to give 7 forecasts.

The next pic from May 2008 (post Hurricane Ivan) shows that only 1 of the 7 forecasts proved to be incorrect, hence the 85% claim. It`s evident that the Weather Stone still proudly remains on the spot despite all the category force 5 that Ivan could muster and yes, it was the forecast board that was gone, I`m told it got blown away only to make its landfall in Carriacou!.
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