Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Jean Simmons - "Hi Gang" (audio)

JEAN SIMMONS ACTRESS - Personal recordings

dubbed from 2 sides of 9 “metal” acetates.

1. 8200/1/M
Jean Simmons “Hi Gang” verbal spot
(Jean with Ben Lyon and BeBe Daniels)

2. 8200/2/M
Jean Simmons - Isolei “High Gang”
(as above plus Vic Oliver)


Carly said...


I wonder if you can help me, I'm looking for the lyrics to 'Thirteen-year old girl' by Mighty Sparrow. Could you help me please?



Graham Johnstone said...

Carly,you would need to transcribe from available audio video. Check kaiso22 mabel on YouTube you will find Sparrow singing *Thirteen year old Mabel*. Regards, Graham

Creolefemme said...


I have listened to this audio and it has only whetted my appetite for more. It's so wonderful to be able to hear the old broadcasts - they were so entertaining. I am a huge Jean Simmons fan and I like to get my hands on any project she has done. Can you please tell me where I might find a copy of this entire recording?

Thanks so much,


Graham Johnstone said...

Hi Penelope,

I`m glad you enjoyed it. Sorry I don`t know if there are any copies elsewhere as evidently these were Jean`s own private recordings. When I get around to hear the quality and content of the others listed then I will probably put them up on ebay for sale later in the year.

Regards - Graham